Our Full Spectrum CBD Oil contains all the 113 cannabinoids that are naturally present in the hemp plant. It generally contains a high level of CBD, small amounts of other cannabinoids and only trace amounts of THC (less than 0.2%). Full Spectrum CBD oil benefits far outweigh those of products made from isolates alone.

In line with our reputation of being the best CBD wholesale UK suppliers, our full-spectrum CBD oil and full-spectrum CBD products are high in CBD with trace amounts of THC, well within UK guidelines.

Generally, full-spectrum CBD distillate products are considered more effective than any other types of CBD distillate products. This is due to the presence of all the different cannabinoids working together. This brings us to the concept of the ‘entourage effect’.

The Entourage Effect

The basic theory behind the entourage effect is that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. As all the compounds in the hemp plant work well together, there are far greater benefits of ingesting them together at the same time, rather than ingesting them one at a time.

For the consumer, when these compounds are taken together, they produce a better therapeutic effect. This is in contrast to all the compounds-terpenes, flavonoids, fatty acids, cannabinoids- taken on their own in an isolated fashion.

Keeping this in mind, a full spectrum of CBD compounds can be more powerful than a single compound, including CBD, on its own. Researchers refer to this concept as the entourage effect.

If you are looking to order wholesale full-spectrum CBD oil, you can give us a call or send us a message. One of our experts will get in touch and answer all your queries about buying wholesale bulk CBD from us.

All naturally grown hemp plant extract.

The CBD Distillate can be used in many industries such as:

  • Vaping
  • Topicals
  • Edibles

You can use the contact form below to contact a member of the Cannmed CBD sales team for any helpful advice or tips regarding full-spectrum CBD oil for sale UK or CBD oil wholesale UK.

all the necessary third-party lab certification. This helps ensure that you and your business have all the appropriate backup paperwork needed.

Please feel free to contact our CBD wholesale team for any help or advice about any of our CBD products or CBD raw materials. We can assure you that we can help you choose the best for your business.

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Frequently asked questions

1What is full spectrum CBD oil?

Full Spectrum CBD oil 1000 mg utilises all the important compounds that are produced by the hemp plant. These formulas showcase a rich blend of terpenes, flavonoids, cannabinoids, and even traces of vitamins and minerals.

CBD is the main component of full-spectrum CBD oil. However, researchers have identified nearly 113 cannabinoids within the plant. As opposed to isolates, full-spectrum CBD oil incorporates small amounts of these minor cannabinoids, such as:

  • CBC
  • CBG
  • CBN
  • THCV
  • THC (trace amounts)
2How is full spectrum different from CBD Distillate?

The main difference between full-spectrum and CBD distillate is that unlike a CBD distillate, a full-spectrum contains all the benefits of the hemp plant, with trace amounts of THC. The full-spectrum CBD products are not as pure as broad-spectrum CBD distillate or CBD isolates. Full-spectrum CBD oil contains all terpenes, cannabinoids, and other plant materials, including the naturally appearing small amounts of THC in hemp.

CBD Distillate UK, on the other hand, contains an array of beneficial terpenes, cannabinoids, vitamins, and fatty acids, without any THC present. The almost total absence of THC is due to the fact that CBD distillate goes through special processing and refinement procedures to remove all the THC.

3Is full spectrum CBD different from broad spectrum CBD?

Yes, Full Spectrum CBD is different from Broad-Spectrum CBD. It is basically about which compounds they contain. Broad Spectrum CBD is actually another name for CBD distillate. It is that CBD extract that retains all of its original cannabinoids, oils, vitamins, terpenes, and flavonoids. However, it goes through a special process, known as the winterisation process, to remove all THC.

Full-spectrum CBD on the other hand contains many naturally occurring cannabis plant compounds, such as other terpenes and other cannabinoids besides CBD. It also includes up to 0.2% THC.

Broad Spectrum CBD or CBD distillate is therefore convenient for those users who want to reap all the full-spectrum benefits, without ingesting any THC.

4Is full spectrum distillate THC free?

The short answer is no. A Full-spectrum distillate or full-spectrum CBD oil cannot be THC free. The science involved in the extraction process and then the distillation process doesn’t work that way. If it’s full-spectrum, there will be some level of THC present. However, that does not mean that a full spectrum CBD oil for sale product can get you high. You would generally need a lot more than a 0.2% THC level to feel any euphoric or high sensation.

5How will full spectrum CBD benefit you?

Since full-spectrum CBD oil or product contains all-natural compounds found in hemp plants, it may produce a more potent effect than pure CBD. Multiple studies and research suggest that CBD’s health benefits may be more effective when several compounds from the cannabis plant interact and work in synergy. This is what we know as the entourage effect.

Full Spectrum CBD oil provides you with those benefits which CBD isolates cannot. The main advantages of this type of CBD extract include:

  • Full-spectrum CBD is less processed and therefore more natural than CBD isolate
  • Higher levels of CBD
  • Synergistic terpenes
  • Several flavonoid molecules that could potentially contribute to the entourage effect and possess their own benefits
  • Benefits of many other minor cannabinoids
  • Extremely negligible levels of THC

The full-spectrum CBD oil benefits for health and wellbeing are plenty; notable uses include:

  • Muscle pain relief
  • Potential treatment for psychotic disorders
  • Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
  • Pain relief

A 2018 study suggests that Full Spectrum CBD is generally more effective than CBD isolate because of the combined effects of THC and CBD. Another study found that certain compounds present in CBD may have potential neuroprotective effects.

6Is full spectrum CBD lab tested?
At Cannmed, we ensure that all our products, including Full Spectrum CBD oil, have their latest Certificates of Analysis in order. This means that all our products are thoroughly and rigorously tested at third party labs, to confirm all level of cannabinoids. This practice also helps certify that they are free from all harmful additives.